
I must admit, when I first heard about Grantham Church’s #GCGoodNews I thought to myself “what good news could come out of a global pandemic?” I was frustrated. Having been torn not only from campus, but from this church that I love so much, without even getting to say goodbye, I was frustrated and depressed. I prayed that God would let us come back after Easter, then that we would still have our final things (like sporting events, performances, and presentations), then that graduation would still be in May. And as each thing was taken away, I discovered that this was going to be the Lentiest Lent I have ever Lented. Easter morning came and I was expecting to wake up from the bad dream (or in Heaven from the rapture 🙃). When my family and I spent Easter at home in our PJ’s, I finally realized that this global pandemic was not going to go away. I received an email from Eric Byrd, the director of Messiah’s gospel choir “United Voice of Praise” sending us encouragement, and at the bottom, in his signature read the same verse that has always been there, “I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up – do you not see it?” (Isaiah 43:19) No God… I don’t see it.

So I prayed again. 

This time, I asked God to open my heart and my eyes to see what He’s doing and why. “I don’t understand why You’re allowing this to happen but I’m sure there’s something good going on. Please show it to me, Lord.” Then I waited, and amidst my (somehow still busy) life, I started to see the changes. The first thing was the environment. Statics are showing the earth is healing itself. In that, I am reminded that when we don’t take care of something, God does (and frankly much better than we could have). Then I started cleaning out old toys from my childhood. I was reminded of the imagination God has given each of us, and that we often lose that creativity as busy, working adults. In my school work I was reminded that God doesn’t care what your grades are, but rather that you try your best for His glory. And finally, when my dad, brother, and I went to isolate (and fish) at my grandparent’s cabin near Penn State last weekend, I was shown the most important things. Despite what the media tells us and what we see on Facebook, GOOD IS HAPPENING. People (even strangers) care about each other and are considerate of other’s needs. God is reminding us all of Jesus’ second commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39) That can be as simple as a smile or a wave from inside your car on a backroad, a facetime call to a loved one, a letter storm or car parade for a birthday, and everything in between. In the middle of what feels like it could only be death, grief, and destruction, God is teaching us to do a ‘new thing.’ We just need to be willing to see it and receive it. 

The peace of the Lord be with you always,


Romans 8:28 NIV – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


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